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Emanuela Matei

Emanuela-Matei-ARDAE [RO] Emanuela’s proficiency refers to the fields of EU law and commercial law, while her core strengths underpin specific skills in State aids law, Competition law, Public Procurement, Economic Freedoms, European Private International law and EU Taxation. Her studies of law have resulted in a Master degree in Swedish Business Law (2010) followed by a Jurismaster / LL. M in European Law (2012), both degrees being obtained at the University of Lund, Sweden. Her formation as a legal scientist has been moulded in the spirit and letter of the Nordic European traditions. She was fortunate to benefit from the lectures of several renowned scholars and professors of European law, Xavier Groussot, Michael Bogdan, Jan Komarek (LSE) and Michal Bobek (Oxford University). Her first master thesis written in 2010 was supervised by the WTO professor, Boel Flodgren and mentored by Christopher Bovis (Hull University).

During the second year of her Jurismaster, she has participated in the European Moot Court Competition (20112012) winning the Regional Final organized in Luxembourg. The same year she finalized her second Master Thesis entitled “Cross-border transfer of registered office – Moving beyond forms”, paper that deals with the matter of free movement of legal persons in the EU. Other papers written during the studies that should be mentioned are: “economic AND social patients’ right in cross-border health services” published in the first number of the Lund Student EU Law Review and “Appraisal of Joint Dominance in the Landscape of Co-Opetition” published by Wolters Kluwer in the Romanian Journal of European Law No. 3/2012.

Emanuela is a prolific writer in the area of EU competition law, economic freedoms and EU taxation. She contributed to and participated in numerous antitrust law conferences organized by notable law firms and academic institutions having the opportunity to share the room with personalities of the field inter alia Valentine Korah (UCL), Allison Jones (King’s College London), Mark Furse (University of Glasgow) and Laurence Gormley (University of Groningen). In the present time Emanuela conducts two projects for the Institute of Competition Law (Paris). She is a member of the Scientific Board of the IADUER, a newly launched legal journal specialized in the study of preliminary rulings. During the period June-August 2013 Emanuela contributed as author of the chapter on legal redress to the annual book “EU Public Procurement Law”, project conducted by Christopher Bovis (Hull University) and published by Elgar Publishing house.

PROIECT IN CADRUL ARDAE: Emanuela Matei, Jurisprudenţa în materia concurenţei. Obligaţia de a solicita o hotărâre preliminară, Editura Universitară, 2014

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