You are invited to attend the International Conference „LIABILITY FOR DEMOCRACY” organized by „Petru Maior” University and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Consortium of Tirgu Mureș; within the Research Centre in the Field of Urbanism and Public Policies of „Petru Maior” University of Tirgu-Mureș, Romania, between October 26th-27th, 2017.
The scientific event will create the opportunity to analyze and exchange information on aspects regarding the evolution and tendencies of law and public administration, at national, European and international level Further, it provides an opportunity for consolidating and developing relationships.
We are confident that the general theme of our Conference will be able to accommodate your scientific research interests. Your contribution, presence and comments during the conference are welcome and highly appreciated.
Details on the Conference registration fee are included in the “Conference Announcement” attached to this mail.
For accommodation we propose the Continental Hotel (27 Euro Single/31 Euro double room). Based on your request we make reservation.
For more information see:
Please feel free to circulate this message to any colleagues or contacts you think may be interested.
Workshop: „Medicine and Law”
– Chair: Prof.univ.dr. Angela Borda
Workshop: „The Role and Importance of Collaboration
between European Universities in the Implementation Process
of Common Educational Programs in Public Administration”
– Chair: Prof.univ.dr. Szabo Zsuzsanna
Special Session: „Legality and Legitimacy in the Economic
– Chair: Prof. univ.dr. Emil Dinga
– Co-chair: Conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Göndör
The Conference is organized in partnership with:
Romanian Academy – “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research
Institute, Romania
Financial and Monetary Research Center „Victor Slăvescu” INCEROMANIAN
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines – Faculty of Law
and Political Sciences, France;
University of Salento, Italy;
University of Miskolc, Hungary;
University of Bari, Italy;
Mureș County Bar Association, Romania;
„Pro Iure” International Association, Romania
„Academic Group for Research and Education – AGRE”, Romania
The Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs
(ARDAE), Romania.
with the kind support of:
“Universul Juridic” Publishing House
Mureş County Council
Municipal Council of Tîrgu-Mureş
Tîrgu-Mureş City Hall
Juridical Current Journal, Tîrgu-Mureş
Lex Expert
Abstracts and papers shall be e-mailed to the contact
September 1, 2017 Submission of abstracts
September 5, 2017 Notification of acceptance
September 20, 2017 Submission of full papers
October 5, 2017 Notification of acceptance
October 10, 2017 Fee transfer
Sonia Bianca BLAJ (Romania)
Vincenzo CARBONE (Italy)
Carmen CHIRIAC (Romania)
Ana-Maria CODILEAN (U.K.)
Ramona COMAN (Romania)
Eugenia ENACHE (Romania)
Éva ERDŐS (Hungary)
Ádám Mihai GERGELY (Romania)
Laura Guercio (Italy)
Felix HODOȘ (Romania)
Cristina M. KASSAI (Romania)
Andrea KAJCSA (Romania)
Lilla Nóra KISS (Hungary)
Ioan LAZĂR (Romania)
Bianca LUNTRARU (Romania)
Annamária MAGYARI (Romania)
Anne DRUART (Franta)
Gabriel MANU (Romania)
Brândușa MARCU (Romania)
Nicoleta MARCU (Romania)
Alexandra MOLDOVAN
Angela ON (Romania)
Corina PALEU (Romania)
Jean-Luc PENOT (France)
Valentin PRIBAC (Romania)
Adriana BEREȘESCU (Romania)
Roxana ROBA (Romania)
Vasile Daniel ŞTEFAN (Romania)
Balázs SZABÓ (Hungary)
Daniela VALEA (Romania)
Eugenia IOVĂNAȘ (Romania)
tel: 0040740356766
The languages of the conference are English and French. Each
participant can present no more than 2 papers, as main or coauthor.
Selected papers will be published in the “The
Juridical Current” Journal , edited by Petru Maior University
Press and „PRO Iure Association”, accredited CNCSIS B+
category, and indexed in international databases
The abstracts of the accepted papers will be published in the
International Conference Abstracts’ Volume book.
The conference proceedings will be submitted to the Thomson
ISI for indexing.
Detailed information:
Honorary Chair
Honorary Dean – Sorbonne, France
Conference Co-Chairs
Antonio Felice URICCHIO
Rector of University of Bari „Aldo Moro”
Rector of „Petru Maior”
University of Tîrgu-Mureş
Rector of University of Medicine
and Pharmacy Tîrgu-Mureş
General Chair
„Petru Maior” University of Tîrgu-Mureş
Steering Committee
Zsuzsanna SZABÓ
„Petru Maior” University of Tîrgu-Mureş
Angela BORDA
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tîrgu-Mureş
Gordon ANTHONY (Ireland)
Tudor AVRIGEANU (Romania)
Cristina BICĂ (Romania)
Teodor BODOAȘCĂ (Romania)
Sergiu BOGDAN (Romania)
Angela BORDA (Romania)
Corneliu Florin BUICU (Romania)
Mihaela CĂRĂUȘAN (Romania)
Carmen CHIRIAC (Romania)
Lucian CHIRIAC (Romania)
Dan CHIRICĂ (Romania)
Dragoș CHILEA (Romania)
Claudiu COMAN (Romania)
Sanda COPOTOIU (Romania)
Constantin COPOTOIU (Romania)
Ovidiu S. COTOI (Romania)
Mircea CRISTE (Romania)
Emil DINGA (Romania)
Luigi DI VIGGIANNO (Italy)
Lucreţia DOGARU (Romania)
Éva ERDŐS (Hungary)
Mihaela FODOR (Romania)
Anca GEOROCEANU (Romania)
Maria-Ana GEORGESCU (Romania)
Romulus GIDRO (Romania)
Mihaela GÖNDÖR (Romania)
Brândușa GOREA (Romania)
Judith GILFREU I FONT (Spania)
Jeff GREEN (Canada)
Roxanne HELME (Canada)
Monica HERMANN (Brazilia)
Viorel HĂDĂREAN (Romania)
Eugen HURUBĂ (Romania)
Ali AL JABAL (Bahrain)
Ioan LAZĂR (Romania)
Ion LEȘ (Romania)
Stephane MANSON (France)
Lissane MAURICE (Canada)
Odete MEDAUAR (Brazilia)
Luigi MELICA (Italy)
Jean-Claude MILLION (France)
Elena Maria MINEA (Romania)
Mircea Ștefan MINEA (Romania)
Daniela Lucia MUNTEAN (Romania)
Mircea Aurel NIŢĂ (Romania)
Eulalia PASCUAL (Spania)
Rodica Narcisa PETRESCU (Romania)
Nicolae PLOEȘTEANU (Romania)
Yves POIRMEUR (France)
Paul POPOVICI (Romania)
Claudia ROȘU (Romania)
Fabio SAPONARO (Italia)
Ioan SCHIAU (Romania)
Giorgio SPANGER (Italia)
Horatiu SUCIU (Romania)
Zsuzsanna SZABÓ (Romania)
Mihai ŞANDRU (Romania)
András TORMA (Hungary)
Spyridon VLACHOPOULOS (Greece)
Daniela Cristina VALEA (Romania)
„Petru Maior” University of Tîrgu-Mureş
1) LAW – The magistrates’ liability
– President: Prof. univ. dr. András TORMA
– Secretary: Ramona Mihaela COMAN
2) MEDICAL LAW – Liability for medical act or Malpractice
– President: Prof. univ. dr. Ovidiu COTOI
– Secretary: Bianca LUNTRARU
3) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – Responsability and
performance in the public sector
– President: Prof. univ. dr. Claudiu COMAN
– Secretary: Andrea KAJCSA
Painting Exhibition – Continental Hotel Lobby
Classical Music Concerts, Modern Music, Popular Music
Book Release
Participants will have the opportunity to visit fine arts exhibitions
and music concerts.
WEDNESDAY, October 25th, 2017
0900- 2200 Registration: „Continental” Hotel
1900- 2200 Welcome Cocktail, „Continental” Hotel
THURSDAY, October 26th, 2017
0800-0900 Registration: „Continental” Hotel
0930-1100 Opening Ceremony
Diploma of excellence and „Tudor Drăganu” medal
Location: Aula Magna „Petru Maior” University
General Plennary Session
1130-1230 Plennary Session for each of the conference’s topics
1230-1330 Parallel Session
1330-1500 Lunch break
1500-1645 Parallel Sessions
1645-1700 Coffee break
1700-1800 Parallel Sessions
1700-1800 Rector’s meeting
1800-1900 Book Release
2000-2200 Gala Dinner
FRIDAY, October 27th, 2017
0900-1100 Parallel Sessions
1100-1115 Coffee break
1115-1300 Parallel Sessions
1300-1400 Lunch break
1400-1600 Parallel Sessions
1600-1700 Workshops
„The Role and Importance of Collaboration between European
Universities in the Implementation Process of Common Educational
Programs in Public Administration”
Special Sessions: „Legality and Legitimacy in the Economic
1700-1730 General Assembly, the “Pro Iure” International
Coffee break
1700-1730 General Assembly, the „Academic Group for
Research and Education – AGRE”
1730-1745 Evaluation / Report
Location: Aula Magna „Petru Maior” University
1800-1900 Closing Ceremony
Location: Aula Magna „Petru Maior” University
2000-2200 Reception at the Medieval Fortress
SATURDAY, October 28th, 2017
Cultural Tourism – Post Conference Tours
PARTICIPATION FEE (covers the conference materials
and publications, Welcome Cocktail, coffee breaks, Gala
Dinner, Reception and cultural events for the main author).
150 € – one participant (paid in advance to the `Pro
Iure International` Association bank account)
100 € – members of the „Pro Iure” International
100 € – members of the „Academic Group for Research
and Education – AGRE”
100 € – Postdoctoral Student (scan of confirmation
documentation needed)
80 € – Ph.D. Students (scan of confirmation
documentation needed)
75 € – accompanying person
10 October 2017
The fee must be paid by 10 October at the latest, into the
`Pro Iure International` Association bank account Fiscal
Code 32942766, marking ICLPA:
– in Ron: RO38BTRLRONCRT0247574401,
`Transilvania` BANK, Tîrgu-Mureş Branch,
– in €: RO85BTRLEURCRT0247574401,
`Transilvania` BANK, Tîrgu-Mureş, SWIFT Code:
Details about the registration, payment and
accommodation can be obtained on