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Marcela Monica Stoica

Marcela Monica Stoica

Ph.D. in Political Sciences at University of Bucharest

She is lecturer at the ChristianUniversity„Dimitrie Cantemir”,  Bucharest, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest.

She was parliamentary counsellor at the Department of Press, Communications and Public Relation at the Chamer of Deputies and from 2006 works at the Legislative Department, at the Committee for Human Rights, Chamber of Deputies.

She is interested in the field of international organizations and institutions and of some studies and researches focused on the aerea of relationship between the political parties, political elites and the electoral systems.

Recent publications:

European Union- an institutional approach”, Ed. Pro-Universitaria, Bucureşti, 2010;

Romania in the Process of Democratic Consolidation. The Impact of the Electoral System”, 8th Edition of International Conference “The European  Integration – Realities and Perspectives”, EIRP Proceedings, vol 8, Danubius University Press, Galaţi, Romania, 2013;

„Le élite politiche,  i  partiti politici e il processo di democratizzazione in Romania”, in  „Mediterranean Pattern and the Extended Region of the Black Sea. Political, Economical and Cultural Confluences”, Editura Ars Docendi, Bucureşti, 2013;

The Cultural Romanian Identity in the South-Eastern Space”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on EU and Black Sea  Region, Volume II: Challenges from EU in the Black Sea Region: Facing New Geopolitics Realities edited by Mihai Şerban and Gabriel Leahu, Bagheria (PA): Mineo Giovanni Editore, Italy , 2012;

“Some General Considerations Regarding the Implications of the Changing of Electoral System upon the Structure of Political Élites in Romania”, 6th Edition of International Conference “The European  Integration – Realities and Perspectives”. EIRP Proceedings, vol 6, Danubius University Press, Galaţi, Romania, 2011;

„The Constitution. New Elites and Difficulties of Development of the Political Class in post-communist Romania”, în Carlo Mongardini (coordonator), Il senso delle costituzioni, Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 2008.



Marcela Stoica este membru aderent ARDAE – Asociatia romana de drept si afaceri europene din 11.12.2014.

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