Vicentiu Traian Ramniceanu
Absolvent de drept (1998) si stiinte politice in limba franceza (1999), este implicat in proiecte cu vocatia europena din 1997, cand activeaza ca secretar al Info Team in cadrul Delegatiei Comisiei Europene la Bucuresti, participand la organizarea evenimentelor dedicate Zilei Europei (9 mai). In 2000 desfasoara activitati de consultant pentru Delegatia Comisiei Europene in evaluarea si monitorizarea proiectelor finantate prin programul Phare Democracy, Lien, Partnership.
Isi perfectioneaza studiile in domeniul dreptului european, absolvind cursurile Institutului de Drept al Afacerilor Henri Capitant – Nicolae Titulescu – Bucuresti (2004). Din 2010 este doctorand al Universitatii Bucuresti, participand in aceasta calitate la conferinte academice sub egida Institututului de Cercetari Juridice “Andrei Radulescu” al Academiei Romane, cu studii privind tematica dreptul societar, inclusiv a celui european (2013).
Membru al Baroului Bucuresti (2000), profeseaza ca avocat in domeniul dreptului umanitar, colaborand cu reprezentanta din Bucuresti a Inaltului Comisariat ONU pentru Refugiati (2001-2004), cu societati profesionale de avocati in dreptul afacerilor (2005-2011), cu institutii financiare bancare (2011-2013), coordonand in prezent activitatea directiei juridice a unei importante companii de stat.
Monitorizeaza constant evolutia dreptului european in domeniul celor patru libertati de circulatie, al dreptului societar, al reglementarii pietelor de capital, al concurentei, pregatind spre publicare articole ce analizeaza modificarea dreptului roman sub influenta celui european.
Vicențiu Traian Râmniceanu este membru aderent ARDAE – Asociatia romana de drept si afaceri europene.
Vicentiu Traian Ramniceanu
Law (1998) and political sciences in French (1999) graduate, he has been involved in projects with European vocation since 1997, when performing as a secretary of the Info Team with the European Commission Delegation in Bucharest, being involved in organizing events dedicated to Europe Day (9th of May). In 2000, he provides consultancy activities for European Commission Delegation in evaluation and monitoring of projects financed by Phare Democracy, Lien and Partnership.
He takes on advanced studies of European Law, graduating the Henri Capitant – Nicolae Titulescu Business Law Institute – Bucharest in 2004. Since 2010, he is PhD student at the University of Bucharest, attending academic conferences under the aegis of Legal Research Institute “Andrei Radulescu” of the Romanian Academy, with studies on the topic of corporate law, including European corporate law (2013).
Member of Bucharest Bar Association (since 2000), he practiced as a lawyer in the field of humanitarian law , collaborating with Bucharest Representation of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2001-2004), with local and international law firms in business law (2005-2011), with banking financial institutions (2011-2013), currently coordinating the legal directorate of an important state company.
He constantly monitors the progress of the European law in respect to the four freedoms of movement, corporate law, capital markets regulation, competition, preparing articles for publication, whereby analyzing the reform of the Romanian law under the influence of European law.